Unique features

We work hard to be exceptional.

  • Decentralization

    Zero losses thanks to Storj.io that keeps 3 copies of each segment in different countries

  • Encryption

    Unique key for each client to collect and decrypt files' segment

  • Emails backup

    Backup your Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and all other emails

Standard features

And we offer the best to be like our competitors.

  • Canadian administration

    Protect your files with a Canadian administration

  • 250 GB to 10 TB

    Choose a package according to your needs and evolve it at your own rhythm

  • Gigabit connection

    Enjoy unlimited transfer of up to 1 Gbps

  • Sharing

    Share large files even if the recipient doesn't have an account

  • Friendly interfaces

    Manage easily your account and your files by using a dashboard

  • Unlimited transfer

    Transfer without concern about your intensive use

  • Quality support

    Speak directly with our engineers who monitor the network at any time

  • Multiuser

    Gather together to share, discuss and collaborate simply

  • Multi-platform

    Work with Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android